Wedding information website

An information website about the wedding was developed for the beautiful newlyweds, which professionally complemented the wedding invitations and simplified organizational issues!


Project goals

  • Design an information website about the wedding, taking into account the design style of the invitations;
  • Develop a website using the React library;
  • Publish a website.

Chosen solutions

  • React for the website front-end was chosen due to its component-based approach, high performance, powerful ecosystem and user-friendly tools, React is an excellent choice for creating single-page applications.


  • The completion of the project - 01.05.2024.


The wedding organizers and newlyweds really liked the site, the quality and quick work done by the VEBI team!

Customer review

“Thank you very much for the site with the invitation to our wedding. They listened to our wishes. They did everything quickly and just as quickly made amendments at our request. Service fire.” - Artyom, 26.06.2024