Development of the Todalya online store

To carry out e-commerce for the Todalya cosmetics and body care products store, it was necessary to develop a website with the functionality of an online store, as well as make sure it was fully operational.


Project goals

  • Develop a website with a CMS to be able to manage the site’s content without skills or contacting developers;
  • Consider different possibilities and connect a platform with e-commerce functionality to the site;
  • Test functionality.

Chosen solutions

  • CMS VEBI - was demonstrated to the client and chosen for this project as an easy and convenient site content management system;
  • Shopify Storefront API - for implementing e-commerce functionality (product management, payment stage, commerce management)
  • Next.js - front-end of the website;
  • Nest.js - back-end of the website;
  • MongoDB is a cloud-based website information storage solution.


  • Start of discussion of the project - 23.08.2023;
  • The beginning of the implementation of the assigned tasks - 29.08.2023;
  • Completion of the project implementation - 28.11.2023.


All goals were achieved, and the client was completely satisfied with the service provided by VEBI.