Hosting change for Cemmet

The client wanted to transfer a website to Wordpress from Russian hosting to Latvian hosting Nano, contacted the Nano hosting team, but they were unable to transfer the site while maintaining its functionality and presentation, some of the site elements were broken or were not displayed at all, after which the client contacted us and we did it site migration, restoring how the site should have looked.


Project goals

  • Successfully migrate a website from Russian hosting to Latvian Nano hosting;
  • Make sure the site is working properly;
  • Update contact information on the website.

Chosen solutions

  • Migrate the site again, gaining access to both hostings and first checking that the new hosting meets all the technical requirements of the site, PHP version, database size, support for the necessary extensions and libraries;
  • Create a complete backup of the site, including the database, theme files, plugins and media files;
  • Using the FTP tool, transfer all site files to a new hosting;
  • Using phpMyAdmin to export a database from Russian hosting and import it to a new hosting;
  • Replace the wp-config.php file to match the new database and server environment;
  • Correcting errors that occurred during migration, double-checking and updating some text on the site.


  • The client contacted us - 07.03.2024;
  • The site started working on a new hosting - 08.03.2024.


The client was satisfied that he contacted us, because the site migration goals were completed without errors and very quickly.

Customer review

“Fast and effective service” - CEMMET - Andrey, 14.03.2024