To improve the user experience and create a prestigious impression, our team suggested TESLA BALTIC to redesign the website, offering 4 concept designs that were made by our designer taking into account the product and target audience.


Project goals

  • Analyze the product and preferences of the target audience;
  • Develop a fresh website design from scratch - 4 main page concepts.

Chosen solutions

  • Minimalistic, confident, contemporary design;
  • Red colors are an option to emphasize the confidence and competitiveness of the product;
  • Options without red color are an alternative option that creates a more prestigious and concise user impression;
  • Presentable and interactive introduction for quick access to brief visual and technical information about the product;
  • Clear and simple website navigation.


An analysis was carried out and 4 home page concepts were developed, which were presented to TESLA BALTIC. In the opinion of our team, we have obtained decent options based on which we can update the design of the entire website and improve it.
