
How to automate enterprise processes and benefit from it?


The correct organization of processes is the basis for the successful operation of any enterprise, and more specifically, it all starts with systematizing processes, for example, in a large digital map or board, as well as thinking through the implementation of data collection for subsequent analysis, all this is crucial for effective development, automation processes and informed decision making in general.

Let's look at why this is important:

1. Resource optimization:

  • Process analysis helps identify bottlenecks, excess costs and resources that can be optimized.
  • Systematization of business processes allows for more efficient use of company resources, which leads to lower costs and increased profits.

2. Improving the quality of products/services:

  • Continuous analysis of processes allows you to identify problems and inconsistencies, which helps improve the quality of products or services.
  • Process systemization helps standardize production processes, which improves product quality and service levels.

3. Making informed decisions:

  • Analytics based on process data helps management make informed strategic and tactical decisions.
  • Systematization of business processes ensures the availability of up-to-date data for decision-making at all levels of management.

How can technology increase the efficiency and productivity of a business?

1. Process automation:

  • The use of specialized software allows you to automate routine operations and speed up task completion.
  • Process automation reduces the likelihood of human errors and increases the accuracy of task completion.

2. Data collection and analysis:

  • The use of modern data management systems allows you to collect, store and analyze large volumes of information about enterprise processes.
  • Data analytics helps you identify trends, forecast demand, optimize inventory, and make informed decisions based on evidence.

3. Improved communication and coordination:

  • The use of modern communication technologies makes it possible to improve interaction between departments and employees, which contributes to more efficient team work.
  • The introduction of digital platforms for project and task management increases process transparency and coordination of actions.

A real example of the benefits of systematization and automation of processes:

Toyota Production System (TPS) is a production management system developed by the Japanese automobile company Toyota . TPS was developed to optimize automotive manufacturing processes and is the foundation of Lean Manufacturing.

1. Just-in-Time (JIT) Production:

  • Toyota has successfully implemented the Just-in-Time concept, which allows products and components to be produced only when they are needed for the next stage of production.
  • This allows you to reduce inventory storage costs and improve capital turnover.

2. Kaizen (Continuous Improvement):

  • The principle of Kaizen, or continuous improvement, implemented in TPS promotes continuous analysis and improvement of production processes.
  • Toyota employees are constantly looking for ways to optimize production processes, which allows the company to remain competitive.

3. Process automation:

  • Toyota is actively introducing automation into its production lines, using robotic systems to perform routine tasks.
  • This improves production efficiency, reduces the likelihood of errors and improves industrial safety.

4. Integration with suppliers:

  • Toyota works closely with its suppliers to create an integrated supply chain based on JIT principles.
  • This reduces inventory costs and speeds up production cycle times.

5. Continuous training and development:

  • Toyota invests in the training and development of its employees to create a culture of continuous improvement and innovation.
  • Through systematization and automation of business processes, Toyota has achieved high production efficiency, high product quality and a sustainable competitive advantage in the global automobile market.


Analysis of processes, their systematization and automation are integral and realistic components of a successful enterprise in the modern business world. Technology plays an important role in improving a company's efficiency and productivity by providing access to up-to-date information, optimizing processes and improving the overall quality of products and services. Investing in analytics and technology solutions is becoming a necessity for sustainable business growth in an increasingly competitive environment due to the boom in technology capabilities and AI. The VEBI team can help your company analyze your processes, record them digitally and offer you possible individual automations that will be identified during a detailed analysis of your company's processes! Contact us today!