
How to tell if a website is good or bad?


The Internet is a huge world full of information and resources. However, not all websites are created equal. So, in this sea of online resources, it can be easy to get lost trying to determine which ones are truly worth your time and trust. In this article, VEBI team will look at 10 key signs that will help you distinguish a good website from a bad one.

1. Design and user interface

A good website usually has a clean, professional design with a user-friendly interface. Bad sites may look outdated, unfinished, or contain too many advertisements.

  • Appreciate the purity of the design and its professionalism, comparable to major global brands such as Nike .
  • Check how easily you can find the information you need on the site.
  • Make sure your site is responsive for different devices and screens.

2. Content quality

A good website offers high-quality information that is accurate and up-to-date. Bad sites may contain errors, inaccurate data, or copies of content from other resources without links to the original source.

  • Check sources of information and links to other reputable resources.
  • Assess the relevance and reliability of the information provided.
  • Consider the writing style: is it professionally written and error-checked?

3. Reliability and safety

A good website is protected from malware and viruses, and uses data encryption (SSL) to protect users personal information. Bad sites can be unsafe and pose a threat to your privacy.

  • Check for SSL protection (padlock in the address bar).
  • Explore the privacy policy and terms of use.
  • Avoid sites that ask for personal information for no particular reason.
  • Be careful if a site contains too many advertisements, especially obnoxious or suspicious ones.
  • Check whether the content is too sensational or unreliable.
  • If you have any doubts, contact independent sources to confirm information.

4. Download speed

A good website loads quickly and efficiently. Bad sites can have long loading times, which can irritate and discourage users.

  • Use loading speed testing tools like Google PageSpeed Insights .
  • Remember that long loading times can discourage visitors and negatively affect search engine rankings.

5. Navigation

A good website has intuitive navigation that allows users to easily find the information they need. Bad sites may have a confusing layout or unclear navigation.

  • Try to find different sections and pages on the site.
  • Make sure navigation elements (menus, links) are easily accessible.
  • Check if the site has a search function to quickly find the information you need.

6. Reputation and reviews

A good website usually has positive reviews and a reputation in the online community. Bad sites may have negative reviews or be associated with scams.

  • Look at user reviews on independent platforms or forums.
  • Research whether the site has citations from reliable sources.
  • Check how long the site has been in existence and what its domain is, for example on the Who.is site.
  • You can also look at previous versions of the site if they are available on Web.archive.org .

7. Authorship and sources

A good website usually discloses information about content authors and data sources. Bad sites may hide this information or provide it inaccurately.

  • Look for the “About the Author” or “About Us” sections on the website.
  • Check the bottom of the page for attribution.
  • Check information in search engines or databases to verify authorship.

8. Mobile adaptation

A good website is mobile-friendly and has a responsive design. Bad websites can be difficult to use on smartphones and tablets.

  • Try opening the site on different mobile devices and browsers.
  • Make sure your site automatically adapts to different screens and resolutions.
  • Make sure your controls are accessible and easy to use on mobile devices.

9. Updates and relevance

A good website is updated regularly and offers up-to-date information. Bad sites may be abandoned or contain outdated content.

  • See when the content was last updated, for example in a blog.
  • Research whether the information provided is up to date with the latest events and news.
  • Evaluate whether the site has publication dates and what year is indicated at the bottom of the site (in the footer).

10. Transparency and contact information

A good website provides contact information so that users can contact the owners of the resource. Bad sites may hide their contact information or have no means of communication.

  • Look for the "Contact" or "Feedback" page on the website.
  • Check if the site has an address, phone number and email for contact.
  • Make sure the site provides contact information clearly and accurately.


Knowing the difference between good and bad websites is an important skill in the digital age. By following the signs and tips mentioned above, you will be able to better navigate the online space and make more informed choices when using Internet resources. If you are interested in creating or improving your website we can help you, contact the VEBI team now!